Doctoral Programs

Resurrection Bible College (RBC) offers the following postgraduate programs for those who are graduates of the College and wish to pursue an advanced degree. The student must maintain an average of “B” and complete the specified requirements for each grade. If the student wishes a further degree, these are available in the fields of biblical studies, theology, ministries, Christian counseling and Christian education. Entry requirement is a Masters degree.

Minimum Degree Studies

No grade will be issued at any level, until the student has completed the minimum required hours of work equivalent to one year at that level.


Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.)

The requirements to enter this program, requires the candidate to hold a master’s degree or its equivalent from the Resurrection Bible College (RBC), acceptable college, or seminary. One must complete forty semester hours beyond the master’s level. If the student wishes, degrees are available in the fields of: Biblical Studies, Theology, Pastoral Studies, Biblical Counseling, Missions, Christian Worship, or Ethnic Studies.

Doctor of Theology (Th.D.)

This is a title that carries weight and dignity. Therefore, the candidate who enrolls in this study program must demonstrate that they are capable of doing doctoral work. He or she must hold a Master’s degree from the Resurrection Bible College (RBC), acceptable college or seminary, with a composite of at least 200 hours of lessons. Then he or she must complete forty-four hours of work through the Resurrection Bible College (RBC), which includes writing a 50,000 word thesis in the field of theology. Two hard bound folder copies must be submitted to the seminar. A copy will be returned to the candidate and the other will remain at the seminary library.

Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Studies, (Ph.D .B.S)

Students will participate in the analysis, synthesis and critical evaluation of the Old and New Testaments. Students will develop skills in biblical interpretation, and can apply these skills in the use of Bible commentaries and similar literature, to do research at the doctoral level.

Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Education, (PhD. C.E.)

The candidate for this degree must hold a Masters degree from the Resurrection Bible College (RBC), or an acceptable College or seminary, before being eligible to enroll in this program. Then, the candidate must complete forty hours of work with Resurrection Bible College (RBC), which shall include the writing of a thesis in the field of Christian Education, containing not less than 25,000 words.

Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Counseling, (Ph.D. C.C.)

Students will participate in an intensive program in counseling from a Biblical perspective. For people interested in pastoral ministry this specialization is particularly recommended. Participants will develop develop a higher level in their abilities to deal and advise in all areas involving biblical counsel.

All Grades programs, diplomas and certificates granted by RBC, are for the purpose of preparing students for ministerial vocations.